Friday, April 22, 2005

Love and Hate- Its all part of a package

Well, like the title says, its all part of the package... A relationship is like a Hamper or a packaged deal. There are so many different packaged deals (example: Travel packages) out there but it is the one that you chose that you found most appealing... Ever wondered why? Maybe its because of his/her colourful lifestyle, facial features or character that enticed you into "purchasing" the package. No matter, you have made your choice and you should learn how to appreciate what you have obtained. Along the road, there will be ups and downs... Relevantly, there will be certain things in a hamper which you may not like. There may be chocolates, candies and champagne that you fancy and there are other items which you may not prefer, like Ginseng or Foie Gras etc. But in the end, you bought this hamper because of all the items that you fancy and not because you see all the un-interesting items in it. Therefore, what I am trying to put across to all you readers is, always remember what were the attributes that enticed you to fall in love (buy the hamper/package) with your partner. Sure, its something indescribable, Love that is... But there is always something that made you want to fall in love with your partner. And that "something" is what you should never forget!


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Quotes to live by:

"Trying is not an option."

“I am not in this world to live up to your expectations so I do not expect you to live up to mine.”

“When experience is viewed in a certain way, it presents nothing but doorways into the domain of the soul.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn