Why muz I be the Bad guy?????
It was supposed to be a very happy festive season today... Well, it started off as a happy day. But I had to fall from grace because of my work... Yeah, I may sound like the noble one to become the bad guy in order for my fellow colleagues to benefit the great day it was supposed to be and for crying out loud, today is a freaking Festive day; a happy day! Juz because one of my fellow batch-mate decided to anger me by doing all the wrong things, which I had to bear and letting me catch him in the act while he goes on doing what he did that could lead us all into pure SHIT. For God's sake, can't he juz do the right things? I mean, is it so hard to do the right things? Is self-discipline so hard to handle? We're in the uniform group.... Juz get it into your damn brain already.... We have rules and regulations that with we have to stick firmly to... But NOOOOOOOO............, you juz had to leave your responsiblities to others to carry... Was your actions even ethically right? HELL NO!!! So, you left me with no other choice but to be the bad guy that dealed to you the devil's wrath! So congrats, you're officially in my Book of "Grace"!
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