Sunday, January 29, 2006
It was supposed to be a very happy festive season today... Well, it started off as a happy day. But I had to fall from grace because of my work... Yeah, I may sound like the noble one to become the bad guy in order for my fellow colleagues to benefit the great day it was supposed to be and for crying out loud, today is a freaking Festive day; a happy day! Juz because one of my fellow batch-mate decided to anger me by doing all the wrong things, which I had to bear and letting me catch him in the act while he goes on doing what he did that could lead us all into pure SHIT. For God's sake, can't he juz do the right things? I mean, is it so hard to do the right things? Is self-discipline so hard to handle? We're in the uniform group.... Juz get it into your damn brain already.... We have rules and regulations that with we have to stick firmly to... But NOOOOOOOO............, you juz had to leave your responsiblities to others to carry... Was your actions even ethically right? HELL NO!!! So, you left me with no other choice but to be the bad guy that dealed to you the devil's wrath! So congrats, you're officially in my Book of "Grace"!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Its been down and low.....
It has been such a low and down day for me... I guess we all have days like these and today for me has been one of my all time low... Though its a season to be happy and glad that Ang Paos(Red packets, for those who don't know what is that) collection are finally round the corner, I can't help it but feel down. Its juz that when your morale level juz goes down, no matter what you think or do, it juz wouldn't turn out positive. And to think that I've juz advice people that Life is not as bad as they think. At the same time, I've caused worry to my girl which was really unnecessary and selfish of me to do... Argh!!!!! Now, the only thing I can do is juz to release it here as a source of outlet and refuge. Life is juz so frustrating at times, why can't we juz live each day constant? Why must there be ups & downs? Why do we have to wake up on the wrong side of the bed when the day should be such a beautiful one? So many WHYs and yet, there isn't a single f**king answer. All I can look forward to now, is a brighter day tomorrow but I'm suffering inside my agony right now. I feel like I could burst out in tears, laughter and anguish all at the same time. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!! @#$@#!%@&@(@^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come, join me in my world of "Boringness"
Juz another day... LOL!!! Nah... Been sleeping the day through. (Shift work...Blah!) But, there is something that I can look forward to... Its Chinese New Year once again ($$$$) and although I'll be working the next few days, at least I'll be able to visit my relatives the days after that... Ok, the truth is that I'm actually hiding my nervousness and stress level caused by my in-coming Steersman Course. Even though it is really an honor to be given this chance, I guess deep down inside, I juz don't think I have the confidence to even pass it. It is juz too soon. I'm juz not prepared. However, since I can't change my fate, I'll juz have to succumb to it and face the music. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!
Life- Its like Cooking...

Creating a dish is like living Life... You're the one who decides what ingredients to add and what sauces makes your marinate... In the same concept, its like you deciding whether to make your life sweet, juicy and full of flavour, plain, simple while still enjoying life or dull and tastless... Always remember, "You're the executive Chef of your own Life." You plan your menu everyday... So why not make your Life a whole lot better by creating a new and exciting dish everyday rather than living each day feeling that life has lost its taste... So create your day the way you like it to be. What is most important is that you should be happy with what you Created... Ultimately, Its your LIFE!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Another day in my world....
Today, like any other day, I come back from a hard day of work in the Sea guarding the precious lives of the citizens dwelling in Singapore! Wow...! I sound sooooo noble... (LOL) Whatever it is, I'm highly stressed over work.... Which is actually my in-house Steersman (AKA boat licence) course which is commencing on the 6th of Feb... Whatever it is, I'm home and that is all that matters... No point brooding and complaining over such pain while I'm enjoying the serenity of my four walls. Other than that, I'm glad to be in touch with my long lost friends... It juz shows that Life is juz too short to juz forsake your friends. You'll never know when you'll be able to see them again. Life with my girl has never been better... Yeah, we have our ups and downs, but it is the outcome that makes the difference... Juz wanna take this chance to really tell her that I am truely, madly and deeply in Love with her and there will be no other that will take her place... Well, enough of all the lovey dovey stuff.... I'll spare you people who are reading this so hair-raising experience... So with that, I'm signing off till a better day! Cheerz!!!
Quotes to live by:
"Trying is not an option."
“I am not in this world to live up to your expectations so I do not expect you to live up to mine.”
“When experience is viewed in a certain way, it presents nothing but doorways into the domain of the soul.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn